Thursday, December 13, 2012

Environmental Benefits

We depend on the environment in three main ways:

#1. Direct Use-- Food
                        - Extractive products like woods, dyes, & oils
                        - Medicine: 50% of modern medicines are derived from nature
                        - Shelter
                        - Leisure activities like: Hiking, skiing, swimming, parasailing, etc...

#2. Indirect Use-- Climate regulation
                           - Nutrient cycling
                           - Photosynthesis
                           - Pollination: 1/3 of our food crops rely on pollination from bees, wind, etc...

#3. Non-use-- Existence value
                     - Grand Canyon, Great Coral Reefs, Amazon Rainforest, the moon

As you may see, we depend on the environment in so many different ways so it's vital to conserve it... or what's left of it. Sustainable use is essential to a stable existence of the human population. Well at least in my point of view.

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