Monday, December 10, 2012

You, Me, and the Environment

INTRODUCING yet another blog dedicated to Environmental awareness because in my point of view there aren't enough. I am a freshmen at the University of Maryland College Park with a major in Environmental Science and Policy. So, it's the end of the semester and finals week has approached us all with prancing elegance. But let's not forget about the importance of the environment as students dive into a sea of endless studying and stressing.

Throughout this semester in my Environmental Science class, I've learned a lot about our environment--the world. It's vast, all enter-connected, meaning that every little part, section or aspect depends on something else. Forests couldn't survive without trees and shrubs, just like how these plants couldn't survive without soil nutrient cycling and the many organisms living in their quarters.  Everything matters, everything is important, and this is the most important concept to understand about the course and clearly the environment.

This blog is dedicated to informing, reinforcing, suggesting, understanding the facts and importance of You, Me, and the Environment. We may not be trees, but we are just as vital. So read, enjoy and comment if you'd like, no judgement--just learning. With an open mind, a narrow soul can transform a dying breed into an everlasting entity. So let's save our home together!

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